Media Appearances

In the Last 5 Years, Rebecca Brand has appeared in dozens of print, online, video, and television shows and articles.


Rebecca is a regularly appearing guest host/co-host on Arthur von Wiesenberger's Around the World, an exciting and informative show about anything and everything travel. 

In this role, she brings her expertise in travel products, which she regularly reviews on her YouTube channel, and her classic charm and on-screen presence.

Rebecca recently appeared on Food Network for her fantastic Classic Nachos Recipe that is very popular on YouTube.

During her segment, she cooked up a delicious batch of her mouth-watering nachos, with her usual flair for charm and fun.

You can check out the orginal recipe, that she released on YouTube directly below.


Rebecca's string of TV appearances continued from her viral videos, as the UK's Channel 4 sent a RudeTube  camera crew across the ocean to interview her.

RudeTube is England's answer to Tosh.o, and Ridiculousness, and they sought out Rebecca Brand as a perfect match for their show.

This time around, Rebecca was firing jokes like crazy, as she served up her unique "Brand" of hilarious comedy, and it really underlines the fact that she has a wide appeal around the globe


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This was not the only appearance Rebecca made on a major network.

In fact, after going viral for her Fish Tacos Cooked with an Iron (Click Here), she was almost immediately featured on Right This Minute a viral video show.

They were a little skeptical that she could cook fish tacos only with a clothing iron, bus she assured them she could...

And guess what? They loved it!

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Rebecca is also known as an authority in healthy kids school lunches.

And she even flew across the country to help judge the worlds largest water competition The Berkeley Springs International Water Tasting in West Virginia!

She consistintly makes appearances both locally and around the country in all kinds of media, and in many different capicities.

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